About the Site
Mission statement: To view current culture (effect), look at the underlying reason for that effect (cause), and approach how we as believers should respond.
When you peel away all the layers of negative cultural behavior, you get down to man’s sinful nature and his defiance and rejection of God. However, responding to that rejection and how it plays out in our culture isn’t necessarily a one size fits all response when it comes to how we should address those cultural changes in real world one-on-one scenarios. When asked how to handle individuals that cross our paths, the typical reply is “Well, show them the love of Jesus!”. What exactly does that mean when we come across someone who is gay as opposed to someone who is involved with witchcraft, or claiming to be transgender? And to take it a broader view of how we should react to overall cultural shifts away from the Judaeo-Christian roots of our country?
This site is intended to assist believers who may not be aware of all the cultural changes taking place or more than likely, can’t keep up with those rapid changes. The goal is to bring awareness, discuss underlying meaning and create a strategy to proactively face the enemy with a biblical response that represents how Christ would respond. Articles listed are not meant to be the final say on a particular topic but rather be a catalyst for further dialog.
The Truth, or absolutes of the bible never change and should never be misaligned to fit into culture but instead those the truths need to be used to impact culture with the message of Christ in love. But how that plays out into our day-to-day lives is what this site is committed to. All posts are articles (with links to the original article) that relate to the category topic. Causes and responses to those topics would come next.